eVision Systems and PEmicro sign distribution agreement for debug and ISP programming tools

Forstinning (Germany) and Boston (USA), 17 June 2019 – eVision Systems GmbH signed a distribution agreement with P&E Microcomputer Systems Inc. for the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland).

PEmicro develops cutting-edge debug and ISP programming tools for a wide range of ARM® devices from various manufacturers as well as microcontroller architectures from NXP & STMicroelectronics. The two flagship products are the MULTILINK series (debugger) and the CYCLONE series (in-system flash programmer).

PEmicro’s Multilink Debugger offers advanced features such as power measurement, real-time expression view, SWO data acquisition and printf acquisition. The tools are seamlessly integrated with various popular third-party IDEs, such as MCUXpresso IDE, Keil’s uVision IDE, IAR Embedded Workbench, Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio, Infineon Dave IDE and many more.

CYCLONE ISP programmers are among the fastest, most innovative and safest programming tools on the market. They can be very easily automated or manually operated in “stand-alone” mode. Different firmware variants can be stored on the unit, several configurations can be used for the power supply, and individual programming of the serial numbers can be carried out in an uncomplicated manner.

Josef Ostermeier, Marketing Manager at eVision Systems, commented on the conclusion of the distribution agreement with P&E Microcomputer Systems Inc:
More and more customers have to deal with complex embedded systems. The demand for software debugging and programming tools is constantly increasing. With PE Micro’s innovative and cost-effective products, we can now offer our customers a comprehensive range of hardware and software testing and programming tools and solutions.

Prices and availability

Information on prices and availability is available at this contact:

 Debug and ISP programming tools

Press contact:

eVision Systems
Jahnstr. 12
D – 85661 Forstinning b. München
Josef Ostermeier
Tel : 08121-220825

Email: jostermeier@evision-systems.de